Your Draft Pilot
How it Works
Sample Error Message
Sample Valid Message
Draft Strategies
Rankings Sets
Default Strategy
This is your default draft strategy. It will be applied to any team that isn’t specifically assigned to another strategy. You can assign any strategy to be your default.
How this works
Rename Strategy
Assigned Rankings Set
FFPC ADP Rankings
View Rankings
Assigned League Types
League Type Not Assigned
* Any league types not assigned to a draft strategy will use the default draft strategy.
Assign a League Type
Other Strategies
This is where you create addtional strategies if you want to draft differently for certain league types, such as superflex or slim leagues. Draft Pilot looks for Superflex-specific strategies first, then Slim, then Best Ball. So in a scenario where you're in a Superflex Best Ball Slim league, Draft Pilot would first look to see if you have a draft strategy assigned to Superflex leagues. If not then it would look for a strategy assigned to Slim leagues, and if not then it would look for a strategy assigned to Best Ball Leagues and if none of those exist it will use your default strategy.
Create a new draft strategy
New Draft Strategy
Strategy Name
Enter a Name for the Draft Strategy
Rankings Set
Your draft strategy will use the default FFPC ADP rankings. You will be able to create your own rankings set once your first draft strategy has been created.
Make Default Strategy
Confirm you want to make this your default draft strategy
Delete Draft Strategy
Confirm you want to delete this draft strategy. This operation cannot be reversed.
Assign this strategy to all game of a certain type.
Main Event, Footballguys Tourney, Super Bracket Tourney, Classic, VP Cash (20-rounds)
Best Ball (28-rounds)
Best Ball Superflex (28-rounds)
Best Ball Slim (20-rounds)
Best Ball Slim Superflex (20-rounds)
Classic Superflex (20-rounds)
Terminator Tourney + Satellites (26 rounds)
Dynasty Standard (20 rounds)
Dynasty Standard Superflex (20 rounds)
Dynasty Best Ball (26 rounds)
Dynasty Best Ball Superflex (26 rounds)
Dynasty Rotoviz Triflex Superflex (20 rounds)
Dynasty Rotoviz Triflex Superflex Best Ball (26 rounds)
Rankings Set
Select the rankings set to use for this strategy. You can edit this later if needed.
FFPC ADP Rankings
New Strategy Name
Enter a new Name for the Draft Strategy